Section G4 - Dismantling Fork Leg


Remove the fork leg as in Section G3. Pour out the old oil into a container and dispose.

1) Secure the bottom of the slider in a plain jawed vice, leg vertical.

2) Remove the plastic gaiter. I used a bit of heat.


3) Remove the threaded collar by hand pressure only. Of course, mine was bound tight and a strap wrench didn't work either. I used a large pair of channellocks, which worked but chewed up the outer diameter of the collar. I wasn't the first to do this to this pair apparently.


4) Grasp the main fork tube and with a number of sharp upward jerking  movements, free the oll seal, paper washer and top collar.


5) Lift the main tube away from the slider.


6) Remove the damper tube anchor bolt (on the bottom of the slider).


7 ) Remove the damper assembly

8) Get the fiber washer that is down at the bottom of the slider (on the inside).

9 - 13) These steps have to do with the damper disassembly, but since this being replaced, I just skipped.

14) Remove the lower steel bush by removing the square section circlip at the bottom of each fork tube.

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